Our website is taking the summer to undergo a refresh. Please bear with us.
We break down the barriers to Australian tertiary education to empower future changemakers
65+ students
20+ volunteer tutors
100% satisfaction
65+ students ☀ 20+ volunteer tutors ☀ 100% satisfaction ☀
We believe every student deserves to access University.
Inspire Tomorrow Education is a not-for-profit that aims to make educational equity a reality.
We have 3 core goals to improve access to better educational outcomes - one student at a time.
We want to increase the amount and rate of University admissions from high-school students from underrepresented cohorts.
We want to foster diversity, representation and inclusion in professional industries by giving students the tools to succeed.
We believe change can only be made when there are supportive partnerships between communities, schools and stakeholders.
Our Services
Free online tutoring
Want a little extra help with your subjects? We pair students in years 7–12 who face barriers to education with a university tutor for 1:1 support.
Scholarship support
Curious about ways to help you get into university in Australia? We develop resources and run seminars with careers advisors, current students and admissions staff to help you find financial aid.
Our Partners
Get in touch!
Interested in partnering with us?
Making educational equity a reality requires all of us to work together. No matter whether you’re an individual, company, not-for-profit or business….
We want to hear from you!
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