Seana Connolly - Tutoring Officer
Seana is studying a double degree with a BEng (Hons) in Aeronautical Engineering and BA majoring in Economics at the University of Sydney. She is currently a Global Youth Ambassador with Theirwold and engages in numerous volunteering experiences with Rotary, Volunteering Australia and Engineers Without Borders. Driven by the lived experience of her family and their limited access to education, Seana aspires to model her path in pursuing higher education to keen students. Outside of her studies, Seana supports her interests through opportunities such as representing Australia at the Professor Harry Messel International Science School, National Youth Science Forum and national poetry competitions. She has received scholarships through various means including through competitions such as the Bond University Mathematics Extension Program with a second-place scholarship; a winner of the Australian Youth Aerospace Scholarships following the Australian Youth Aerospace Forum; the MySydney scheme; and has recently been named a national Gallipoli Scholar, receiving the Lockheed Martin bursary. Seana is an advocate for equality, education and accessibility and in 2022, she represented the youth of the Northern Rivers at the United Nations Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction following the floods that had impacted her community.