Rabia Rasul - Non-Executive Board Director

Rabia is a young woman passionate about empowering young people to create change in their communities. She is a final year Bachelor of Arts(Politics) and Bachelor of Laws (Honours) student at Macquarie University.Rabia is involved with many community organisations and currently serves as a policy analyst at Voices of Influence, Special projects officer at Diverse Women in Law, Executive social justice officer at Macquarie University Law Society and is a member of the law reform subcommittee at Women Lawyers Association of NSW. Rabia is the 2024 New Colombo Plan Fellow for Cambodia and will travel to Cambodia later this year to explore how the intersection between culture, policy and gender has shaped domestic politico-legal institutions in the Indo-Pacific. She has previously worked as a Youth Activist with Plan International Australia where she presented to the Australian Parliamentary Group on Population and Development on the impact of climate change on young women’s education. She hopes to use her advocacy experience in the legal and policy sectors to develop solutions that amplify the voices of young people most affected by these issues. She seeks to use her platform as a Non-Executive Director to understand the intersectional impacts of educational disadvantage on diverse communities and increase young people’s access to education by giving them the tools to create change.